How does my trash get picked up?
The HOA contracts with a trash removal company to pick up trash twice weekly. Currently pickup is on Mondays and Thursdays. The trash company may be in the neighborhood at any point between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Therefore, homeowners must place trash at the curb in front of their homes (or as close as possible) prior to 6:00 a.m. on these days. To accommodate shift workers or late risers, the HOA allows trash to be placed curbside on the previous evening (Sunday and Wednesday) no earlier than 6:00 p.m.
Are there restrictions on how I store my trash?
Prince William County ordinance requires that trash be stored in plastic or metal trash cans.
Does the HOA participate in a recycling program?
River View does participate in a recycling program which is administered by the trash pickup contractor. Each townhouse is issued a recycling container to be used for recyclable plastic and metal items, as well as newspapers. Recycling is picked up on Mondays ONLY, therefore it must be placed curbside prior to 6:00 a.m. on Monday or on Sunday evening, no earlier than 6:00 p.m. There is no recycling pickup on Thursdays.
Where can I store my trash between pickup days?
Homeowners and residents must store their trash in plastic or metal containers in unobtrusive locations at the back of their units within their own property or at the bottom of the front windows hidden from view of the street with a shrub. If stored in the front, the trash can must not be visible from the street. Trash may not be stored anywhere on common ground, including behind back fences.
What are the rules on empty trash containers?
Empty trash containers (trash cans, barrels, or recycling bins) must be removed from curbside to the back of the owner or resident`s property on the day of trash pickup. In the interest of maintaining a neat and healthy comunity environment, trash containers observed in common areas on non-trash pickup days may be removed and disposed of by the HOA at the owner`s expense.
What happens if I leave trash at curbside on other than trash pickup days?
With the exception of authorized times, such as after 6:00 p.m. on the day before a scheduled pickup day, placing trash in common areas is a violation of HOA covenants and by-laws.